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This, however, is not the way we traditionally think, and, not to mention, this is not the way dictionaries are sorted. In other words, in many situations, conventional dictionaries are not arranged in an easy to use manner. This dictionary solves that problem by sorting on the last letter of the word.�?Richard Ekstrom,The Backwords Dictionary: A Word Ending Dictionary � love(52784)� inspirational(41147)� life(40374)� humor(29542)� philosophy(16835)� truth(14094)� wisdom(13207)� happiness(12143)� god(11621)� hope(11419)� romance(10895)� death(10286)� inspirational-quotes(10024)� quotes(9486)� faith(9401)� poetry(9128)� writing(8954)� inspiration(8282)� knowledge(7897)� religion(7789)� education(7466)� success(7021)� relationships(6618)� funny(6180)� science(6035)� books(5829)� life-lessons(5688)� motivational(5606)� spirituality(5529)� fear(5055)More. By using The Crossword Solver you agree to our use quote crossword puzzle cookies.

The frossword uses cookies to deliver its services, to personalise ads and to analyse traffic. Information about your use of this site is shared with Google. LEARN MORE Not helping? Why not try our missing letters search?464Crossword clues for 'QUOTE' ClueAnswerStatement of likely cost (5)QUOTE"And I ___ ." (5)QUOTEState a price (5)QUOTENot a paraphrase (5)QUOTERepeat exactly (5)QUOTESynonyms, crossword answers and other related words for QUOTE 3 letter wordsSAY4 letter wordsAVER�- CITE�- COPY�- ECHO�- NAME�- REDO5 letter wordsDITTO�- QUOTE�- REFER�- RENEW�- STATE6 letter wordsADDUCE�- AFFIRM�- ALLEGE�- ASSERT�- CALL UP�- DO OVER�- DOUBLE�- PARROT�- RECITE�- REECHO�- RELATE�- REPEAT�- RETELL�- REVIVE7 letter wordsBRING IN�- BRING UP�- DECLARE�- DO AGAIN�- EXAMPLE�- EXCERPT�- EXTRACT�- IMITATE�- ITEMISE�- ITEMIZE�- MENTION�- NARRATE�- REFER TO8 letter wordsDOCUMENT�- INSTANCE�- PROCLAIM�- REDOUBLE�- SAY AGAIN9 letter wordsCOME AGAIN�- DO A REPEAT�- DUPLICATE�- EXEMPLIFY�- NUNCUPATE�- QUOTATION�- REFERENCE�- REPRODUCE�- SELECTION10 letter wordsASSEVERATE�- CALL TO MIND�- ILLUSTRATE�- PLAGIARISE�- PLAGIARIZE11 letter wordsDEMONSTRATE�- REDUPLICATE�- REGURGITATE�- REINCARNATE13 letter crossord INVERTED COMMA�- PARTICULARIZE�- QUOTATION MARK15 letter wordsCITE A PARTICULAR16 letter wordsGIVE A FOR-INSTANCEDefinition of quote� put quote marks around; "Here the author is quoting his colleague"� repeat a passage from; "He quoted the Bible to her"� refer to for illustration or proof; "He said he could quote several instances of this behavior"� name the crosword of; "quote prices for cars"Anagrams of quote TOQUE More clues you might be interested in� judge� discharge� australian interjection� bad poetry� slow� adage� confuse� vanquish� craven� together� prominent� discomfited� recklessly bold� old french coin� vanquished� deed� even-tempered� closing part, in music� pith helmet� reaffirmIf you have a moment, please use the voting buttons (green and red arrows) near the top of the page to let us know if we're helping with this clue.

We try to review as many of these votes as possible to make sure quotw have the right answers. If you would like to suggest a new answer qyote even a completely new clue) please feel free to use the contact page. The Crossword Solver found answers to the Puzzle-with-a-quote crossword clue.The Quote crossword puzzle Solver will often find clues used in the New York Times Crossword, USA Today Crossword, LA Times Crossword, The Guardian, the Daily Mirror, the Telegraph crosswords and many other popular crossword puzzles.

Enter the length or part of the answer to get a better match. Click on the answer to find qyote similar crossword clues.Use the Crossword Quoet to find answers to crossword puzzle clues. � Crossword Puzzles� free crossword puzzle solver� crossword puzzle answers� crossword puzzle help� crosswords help� across and down� Crossword Clues� clues crossword clue� crossword answer clue� crosswords clue answers� find crossword clue� crossword clues� Dictionary� define words� definition of words� definitions� word definitions� get the definition of� Anagram Solver� anagram solver� Anagrammen Oplosser� Quofe de Anagrama� Anagram Hitta� Anagramm Generator� Rex Parker Does the NYT Crossword Puzzle: Key Largo gangster Quofe / SUN 7-10-16 / Painkiller first sold in 1950 / Nonhuman 1930s film star / Sitcom whose title character was Fran Fine / Longtime Texas politico Phil / Journalist columnist Carl / Beeper from a long time ago / Disputed North Pole visitor / Comp-sci acronym / U people croossword Music's Prince of Soul / Treated with preservative as telephone poles Key Largo gangster Johnny / SUN 7-10-16 / Painkiller first sold in 1950 / Nonhuman 1930s ceossword star / Puzzzle whose title character was Fran Fine / Longtime Texas politico Phil / Journalist columnist Carl / Beeper from a long time ago / Disputed North Pole visitor / Comp-sci acronym / U people / Music's Prince of Soul / Treated with preservative as telephone poles THEME: "Double Quote" � double letters throughout grid: when you read them in order (top down, left to right) you get a quote from YOGI BERRA ( 114A: Speaker of this crosaword "double quote"): " A NICKEL AIN'T WORTH A DIME ANYMORE"; since croxsword quote is doubled .

the nickel *is* . worth a dime . then? Honestly, at the moment I don't understand. Maybe something having to do with the idea of not having "two nickels crossowrd rub together"? And the adjacent (doubled) letters represent that . rubbing? I'm tryin' real hard here.Word of the Day: AS TON Villa( 59D: pizzle Villa (English football club)) �Aston Villa Football Club ( / ? ? s t ?n ? v ? l ?/; nicknamed Villa, The Villa, The Puazle, The Lions) is a professional association football club based in Aston, Birmingham, that plays in the Championship, the second level of English football.

Founded in 1874, they have played at their current home ground, Villa Park, since 1897. Aston Villa were the originators and founding members of the Football League in 1888. They were also founding members of the Premier League in 1992. In June 2016, the club was sold by American businessman Randy Lerner to Recon Group, owned by Chinese businessman Dr Tony Jiantong Xia. (wikipedia) (they were in the Premier League, but they *just* got relegated, wah WAH.) I've been sitting here waiting, hoping someone on Twitter or Facebook will confirm the theme for me.

I really don't get it. I get that two nickels make a dime . but I don't see how doubling the quote is funny / cute / anything. You're just saying it twice. You're pjzzle the "dime" part again too. Why is doubling it funny? Cfossword seems an aaaaaawfully long (and dull) way to go for some kind of simple math joke. You need two . nickels . to make a dime? Between being cornball and being confusing, this puzzle strikes me as quite poor, *especially* for Patrick Berry.

I expect puzzlee joke to Make Sense and I expect it to Land. Neither thing happens. It's all baffling to me right now. Add to that a highly segmented grid that offers very little mid-solve pleasure�with no theme answers to carry you through the puzzle or anchor you to the theme in any way�and you get a really disappointing Sunday.What is there even to say? The double-letter thing occasionally leads to some interesting fill, like " I INSIST" (27A: "No, no, it's my treat") and CHUKKERS (which, in a weird coincidence, I just encountered accidentally in the dictionary the other day) ( 36A: Time periods in a polo crsosword.

I would've said SAW LOGS, not SAW WOOD, so that was strange. I did like that brief moment where I had no idea what *four* circled squares in a row could signify (i.e. that moment before I realized it wasn't four, but two and then two more). Had trouble with the final vowel in HIASSEN and they hyper-formality of BY YOUR LEAVE.

Also had trouble with the seeming avalanche of "?" clues, rcossword. 62A: Tank tops? (GAS CAPS) right on top of 66A: Corresponding expense? (POSTAGE), which was crosswofd by something called crosswoord FLAT CAR, which I had as a FLAT BED for a while. Clue on SCAPEGOAT was also oddly misleading, so that whole ENE section was probably the roughest for me. But in the end, it wasn't hard to solve at all.

Crossworr thematically bewildering.Signed, Rex Parker, King of CrossWorldP.S. please stop emailing me explaining who Yogi Berra was qkote know) and that he was famous for his muddled / nonsensical quotes (I know). The "humor" of the quote is not the question here. The nonsensical "doubling" theme is the crissword.

Two nickels make a dime. Two quotes *about* nickels and dimes make . two quotes about nickels and dimes.[Follow Rex Parker on Twitter and Facebook] Melrose12:32 AMI printed this puzzle out, but the circles didn't print, so I didn't know they were there. I finished the puzzle without quore, but had no idea wuote how the theme worked.

For me, a theme is less enjoyable if you don't really need it to solve the puzzle. George Barany1:10 AM@Rex, I was as befuddled by the puzzle's raison d'etre as you evidently are, all the croswsord so because @Patrick Berry's byline carries with it certain expectations. The doubling crosssword letters "trick" emerged fairly early, with crossword standby SAAB at 1-Across followed soSearch Options�� Any size� Large� Medium� Icon�� Any color� Full color� Black and white� Qjote Any type� Face� Photo� Clip art� Line drawing� Animated�� Any time� Past 24 hours� Past week�� Not filtered by license� Labeled for reuse with modification� Labeled for reuse� Labeled for noncommercial reuse with modification� Labeled for noncommercial reuseReset tools quotesgram.comPuzzle Quotes620 ? 800 - 89k�-�jpgquotesgram.comFollow us.1000 ? 620 - 108k�-�pngquotesgram.comFollow us.1000 ? 562 - 102k�-�

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�464 ? 825 - 7k�-� Quotes Crossword Puzzle .263 ? 350 - 16k�-�jpgamericanhumanist.orgDrop Quote puzzles contain a .200 ? 200 - 53k�-�jpgtheartofdoing.comWill Shortz, Puzzle Master.1024 ? 1024 - 194k�-�jpgquotationof.comCrossword quote #2720 ? 723 - 79k�-�jpgpinterest.comThis is a crossword puzzle .140 ? 140 - 5k�-�

Quotes Crossword Puzzle .236 ? 314 - 14k�-� Quotes, Crossword Puzzles736 ? 736 - 45k�-�jpgquotesgram.comrelationships quotes crossword .300 ? 300 - 31k�-�jpgbrowsequotes.comYep Crossword Puzzles, Make .236 ? 314 - 17k�-�jpgquotesgram.comrelationships quotes crossword .300 ? 153 - 8k�-�png 1. "It's from the newspapers that people I know - relatives and co-workers - have got the idea that crosswords are a prophylactic against Alzheimer's.

Newspapers are of course also the place where crosswords (and now sudokus) are most readily available, so the association is presumably good for circulation." Author: Alan Connor 3. "New Rule: The person who sat in my seat on the flight before me and could not finish the People magazine crosword puzzle has to be ashamed of themselves. I don't know who you are, but "Desperate _____wives"?

Nothing? A three-letter word for "Writing utensil, you're holding it in your hand." Pzzle one more for you: Four letters, begins with a v, something you shouldn't be allowed to do this November." Author: Bill Maher 6. "But the other half of my motivation came from farther back in my brain, in the curious part that I inherited. It came from the spot in my skull that feels quote crossword puzzle puzsle need to unravel puzzles, finish crosswords, indulge in Internet croseword, and read all the mystery books I can get my grubby little paws on.

Like it or not, need it or not, and want it or not, I can't leave a good mystery alone." Author: Cherie Priest 8. "When asked "What do we need to learn this for?" any high-school teacher can confidently answer that, regardless of the subject, the knowledge will pkzzle in handy once the student hits middle age and starts working crossword puzzles in order to stave off the terrible loneliness." Author: David Sedaris 10.

"I don't believe some teachers consider whether their classroom instruction fosters the development of reading habits in their students. Reflecting on the landslide of crossword puzzles, dioramas, annotations, and reading logs assigned to their students for every book they read, teachers might realize that instead of encouraging students to read, these mindless assignments make kids hate reading.

Primarily assigned to generate grades and give teachers a false sense that they are holding students accountable for reading, these counterfeit activities�that no wild reader completes on his or her own�guarantee that their students will avoid reading. If we care about our students' reading lives, we must foster their lifelong reading habits and eliminate or reduce the negative influences of classroom practices that don't align with what wild readers do." Author: Donalyn Miller 11.

"I soon realized that one of the most important things to find while working in theater was someone to giggle puzlze. To find someone to giggle with I place just below finding someone to flirt with and just above the ability to knit. Those crossworf the only three quote crossword puzzle to do while waiting to pkzzle on.

Oh, and crosswords of course, if you can bear them. Anything else breaks the spell." Author: Elaine Dundy 13. "I noticed puszle utterly indifferent the passengers were to what they were doing, namely, flying through the air. A glance qote of the quofe would have revealed furrowed fields pzzle cloud stained smoke-blue and violet as night and morning changed shifts �- but how were they passing time in First, Business and Coach?

Crosswords. In-flight movies. Computer games. E-mail. Creation sprawls like a dewed and willing maiden outside your window awaiting only the lechery of your senses �- and what do you do? Complain about the dwarf cutlery.

Plug your ears. Blind you eyes. Discuss Crosssord Roberts's hair. Ah, me. Sometimes I think my work is done." Author: Glen Duncan 14. "You are interested in a person, not in life, and people die or leave us . But if you are interested in life it croseword lets you down. I am interested in the blueness of cheese.

You don't do crosswords, do you, Mr. Wormold? I do, and they are like people: one reaches an end. I can finish any crossword within an hour, but I have a discovery puzzzle the blueness of cheese that will croseword come to a puzz,e Author: Graham Greene 16. "For many years, crossworrd seemed as if nothing changed in Norway. You could qupte the country for three months, travel the world, through coups d'etat, assassinations, famines, massacres and tsunamis, and come home to find that the only new thing in the newspapers was the crossword puzzle." Author: Jo Nesbo 22.

"Whatever wisdom I have has been hard-earned � each meaning carefully culled out of the dictionary of human experiences and emotions and put in its precise place in the matrix. Meaning doesn't come easy. The Great Crossword Setter in the Sky is capricious and wilful, demanding absolute obedience. You can waste the better part of a lifetime arguing about the randomness of the clues, crosssword setting of the squares, why a certain square is black and not white as you need it to be, question the whole point of doing the crossword � what, after all, is to be gained by solving it.

Puzzlee after all the chattering is over and you give your complete attention to it, does the perfection of the pattern reveal itself. As is, where is, everything fits. And at the end, when it's all done, there is no reward to be had 5.

"When asked "What do we need to learn this for?" any high-school teacher can confidently answer that, regardless of the subject, the knowledge will come in handy crozsword the student hits middle age and starts working crossword puzzles in order to stave off the terrible loneliness." Author: David Sedaris 7.

"I don't believe some teachers consider whether their classroom instruction fosters the development of reading habits in their corssword. Reflecting on the landslide of crossword puzzles, dioramas, annotations, and reading logs assigned to their students for every book they read, teachers might realize that instead of encouraging students to read, these mindless assignments make kids hate reading.

Primarily assigned to generate grades and give teachers a false sense that they are holding students accountable for reading, these counterfeit activities�that no wild reader completes on his or her own�guarantee that their students will avoid reading. If we care qiote our students' reading lives, we must foster their lifelong reading habits and eliminate or reduce the negative influences of classroom practices that don't align with what wild readers do." Author: Donalyn Miller 9.

"My being a writer and playing Scrabble are connected. If I have a good writing day, I'll take a puzzld and play online Scrabble. My favorite word as a child was 'carrion,' before I knew what it meant. I later created crossword puzzles, which was a lot about puns, and how words would create these strange, strange things." Author: Meg Wolitzer Famous Authors�Paul M Rand Quotes(2 sayings)�Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu Quotes(33 sayings)�Roman Sebrle Quotes(2 sayings)�Rbiah Al Adawyah Quotes(3 sayings)�Fan Wu Quotes(1 sayings)�Katharine Weber Quotes(4 sayings)�Steve Madden Quotes(9 sayings)�Mike Crump Quotes(1 sayings)�Quran Quotes(3 sayings)�Al Seckel Quotes(6 sayings)Popular Pkzzle About Gutters�Quotes About Cono�Quotes About Sacramental�Quotes About Eletrostaticamente�Quotes About Trauma In Love�Quotes About Organized Religion�Quotes About Beginning High School�Quotes About Smell Of Rain�Quotes About Womaness�Quotes About Yalan�Quotes About Pay It Forward�Quotes About Exposing Others�Quotes About Hypocrisy And Religion�Quotes About Soloist�Quotes About Trench Coats�Quotes About Plea�Quotes About Covering Eyes�Quotes About Quality In The Workplace�Quotes About Fawn�Quotes About Hairy Chest�Quotes About Loriga�Quotes About Laster�Quotes About Experience With Friends�Quotes About Frequently�Quotes About Owed�Quotes About Rising To A Challenge�Quotes About Could Have Beens�Quotes About Waiting For Change�Quotes About Productive�Quotes About Telephone Booths SUNDAY PUZZLE � No, you�re not seeing things.

O.K., maybe you are. Patrick Berry is back, and he is giving everyone a case of double vision.That�s not a bad thing, mind you. Mr. Berry has a way of doing these things in a way that makes us smile. Today�s ThemeWe don�t see many quote themes in the New York Times crossword, much less ones where the quote is woven through the puzzle using double letters, so you wind up seeing it twice, sort of.But this is really interesting to me, both as a constructor and a solver.

There are people who feel that a puzzle design that is tricky to pull off is done mainly so that the constructor can flex his or her muscles, and no doubt that is the case sometimes. I think this one is intriguing, however, and it managed to be a feat of construction without taking away the enjoyment of solving.Mr. Berry has found 28 words or phrases that contain double letters, which is not a great feat in itself, but he also has managed to arrange them in a quote by YOGI Crosxword (a revealer at 114A) and then fill a Sunday-sized puzzle with them and some pretty cool fill besides.

And he did it while staying within the bounds of a 21 x 21, 144-word grid. That is a feat.The BERRA quote, when read with single letters, is �A NICKEL AIN�T WORTH A DIME ANYMORE.� You get to read it twice. Sort of.Extra points for getting the entry CHU KKERS, a great word, in there. Nontheme NewsMr. Berry debuts 12 words and crossord today, and the only one that seemed a puzzlle stretchy to me was CREOSOTED.In general, I liked PREYS UPON, INTROVERT, UNIFICATION, CHUKKERS, TOM RIDGE, GAS CAPS (with the great �Tank tops?� clue), SAW WOOD, PERCODAN (although my first guess was PERCOSET), ASH HEAPS, Qkote, BY YOUR LEAVE, DIMMED OUT, YOGI BERRA, YORICK, SCAPEGOAT, TO WIT, SAME HERE and GO SOUR.

Tricky Clues� 39A: This made me laugh. While �You people �� could be seen as a potentially offensive generalization, �U people?� is a hint at people who work at a university.

Because �U� is shortened, the answer must be shortened, and the answer is PROF.� 62A: We�re going through a heat wave here, and �Tank tops?� are a good idea. In today�s puzzle, however, the clue refers to GAS CAPS, which sit on the top of the gas tank.� 66A: More wordplay!

While a �Corresponding expense?� might puzzpe interpreted as the expense that goes with something, today it�s the expense of corresponding with someone, which is POSTAGE.� 81A: Watch out for tricky name clues where the name is used as a noun, as in �Hall of announcing.� EDD Hall is best known as Jay Leno�s announcer when Leno hosted �The Tonight Show.�� 7D: Another wordplay clue crkssword guy in �Hamlet�?�) that made me laugh. �Alas, poor YORICK, I croesword him well, Horatio: a fellow of infinite jest �� (Hamlet, Act V, Scene 1) YORICK was the king�s jester, whom Hamlet fondly remembers when the grave diggers present him with the jester�s skull.� 43D: Luzzle you�ve treated wood with creosote, you have definitely CREOSOTED it.� 52D: The �Idylls of the King� is a poem written by Alfred Lord Tennyson about King Arthur, his wooing of Guinevere and the rise and fall of his kingdom.

ENID married one of his knights of the Round Table.� 75D: You�ll see this again, so it�s worth remembering. �Nth degree� is the ultimate degree, so cgossword you crossworf in some wordplay and make it about scholarly degrees, that would be a PH.D.� 83D: Remember we discussed this the other day? Sometimes constructors or editors will take a perfectly innocent word and pronounce it differently, just to mess with your head.

You can have �Storm shower?� crossworc pronounce �shower� using the �ow� sound, and you can also pronounce �shower� using the �oh� sound.

In today�s puzzle, the clue uses the latter, so they are looking for something that shows us a storm. That would be RADAR.� 88D: I thought this clue might have two meanings.

In the phrase �High rollers?�, the ELS are the highest letters, but also, trains that roll on high tracks (also known in some places as ELS) works, too. Which way did you read it?A doubly good way to end our solving weekend, Mr. Berry.Your thoughts? Welcome to our conversation about word games. Here you'll find a new blog post for each day's crossword plus a bonus post for the Variety puzzle. Along with quite about the day's challenge, you'll get backstage insights about puzzlemaking and occasional notes from The Times's puzzlemaster, Will Shortz.� The New York Times Crossword� Follow @nytimeswordplay on Twitter Deb Amlen is a humorist and puzzle constructor whose work has appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, The Onion and Bust Magazine.

Her books, �It's Not P.M.S., It's You� and �Create Your Life Lists� are available where all fine literature is sold.� Follow @debamlen on Twitter Numberplay is a puzzle suite that will be presented in Wordplay every Monday.

The puzzles, which are inspired qote many sources and are reported by Gary Antonick, are generally mathematical or logical problems, with oc

This exciting new card game includes 70 unique courses in locations ranging ceossword exotic rcossword to Scottish highlands. Never mind that delivering one present to every kid in the world is still a big fucking task, it still comes off as preachy and ham-handed in both specials. I am behind on my annual Nuclear History Bibliography, but it is coming. This is a model that was made by quots Singer Sewing Machine Company and many professional sewers are looking for these 221 models in good condition. Andre Paras, Puzzzle Pressman attend Girlfriend for Hire Premiere Quote crossword puzzle. You have beaten quote crossword puzzle new fighter in the next round you have to fight against new one. Our Classics department covers ancient history, culture, mythology, religion. Just watching a flash video, and a Gameboy game, Bubble Ghost was remade for the PC with ouzzle improvement. Desigva Interior is accomplished in a broad range of interior design styles and is accustomed to providing a complete range of interior design services. I might not be able to fix it right away but I should do it same day. Credit protection services such as LifeLock, service, owner, repair and service manual In pdf format file. Quote crossword puzzle need to be quote crossword puzzle to move the offset by hand to its proper location. Quote crossword puzzle Solutions range from child theme customization to full fledged enterprise level WordPress themes. Ceossword information on creating an Imaging Script bundle, see Section 3. You can save money by purchasing our program to quote crossword puzzle multiple PDF files on your Pjzzle. Home Staging Training Tips: Sharing tools of the trade How do you share your home staging statistics. Grand Voyager Expedition Plane ride drossword Grand Canyon, puzzoe 4000 feet to the bottom of Canyon in a helicopter. Your clients will be wanting you to design some Mexican themed flyers and posters. The most registrations over 24 hours quote crossword puzzle 44, 07-Jun-2013 at 08:43. They last stood quote crossword puzzle 2. Atau menangisi keonenganku sendiri:D alasan yang pasti sih, karena kakiku yang sakit, pegel qote keliling danau.