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Harry potter and the chamber of secrets gamecube cheats

Download Harry potter and the chamber of secrets gamecube cheats

  • Added: 31.05.2015
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� News� PS4� Xbox One� Wii U� PS3� Xbox 360� Wii� PS2� PC� Facebook� PSP� GBA� Other Systems� Android� Dreamcast� Game Boy� GameCube� iPhone / iPad (iOS)� N-Gage� Nintendo64 (N64)� Nintendo DS� Nintendo 3DS� PlayStation / PSOne (PSX)� PlayStation Vita (PSV)� Xbox Get the latest Secrfts Potter and the Chamber of Secrets cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for GameCube (GameCube). has all you need to win every game you play!Use the above links or scroll down see all to the GameCube cheats we have available for Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Check PlayStation cheats for this game Check PlayStation 2 cheats for this game Check Xbox cheats for this game Check PC cheats for this game Check Game Boy cheats for this game Check Game Boy Advance cheats for this game� Genre: Action, Adventure� Developer: Electronic Arts� Chambwr Electronic Arts� ESRB Rating: Everyone� Release Date: November 8, 2002 If you go to the 1st floor you will see a littlevase that is black next to a bookcase.

If youflipindo that and you get beans you then rundown that hall NOT GOING THREW ANY DOORS and youthen stand next to a door secrtes that hallway and goback you may get more beans until you reachcapaticy. To get to the Second floor faster than usual, stand up-close to the Fat Lady portrait, facing her.

After that, goas far as you sectets left, or until you hit that book case.Then there should be a passage under the book casethat you can crawl into. When you are in the Slytherin common room andneed to get out, hide behind the pillar on theright side and wait for the girl to pass.

Next,go into the room on your left and stay behind thedoor. The harry potter and the chamber of secrets gamecube cheats will return and look around.

Shewill not see you. After she walks away, run andjump to avoid being captured. As soon as you exitthe room, go to your left. Once there, startrunning to the door to avoid being captured. Thismay take a few attempts, as there are many peoplewaiting by the door. Run very fast instead ofcreeping there - the Slytherins do not catch onvery quickly that you are there. When Hermione changes you into Goyle, go out atnight and try to get caught by the Prefects (thepeople that patrol the halls).

When you do,Slytherin will get 5 house points deducted. Youmay repeat this process a few times, but afterawhile this will stop. Use your spell that cuts down tapestries andropes on the spiked ball. Walk up close to theedge and hold your trigger button, charge up fora half second and cast. Note: If you throw theimps into the fiery pits, they will die and youdo not have to worry about them. Likewise, if youthrow them all away you cannot put them into thecages to get out; but when all are indeed gone,they respawn from that hatch in the wall at thefirst ramp. Once you get the Incedio Spell, return to themain room and make sure the two pillars are down.Go into one of them and switch the flamedirection so that the flames are both are on oneside of the room.

On the other side, use Incedioto light the pigs and Flapendo to point them upto lift the platform; then again on the otherone. Run quickly hamecube the switch by the exit. Ifsuccessful the door, will be unlocked halfway.You will need to do likewise with the other side.Note: You do not have to charge at all - thisgives you a few extra needed seconds. When in one of the few battles with Hogwart'sstudents (just the Slytherin Gang, all othersleave you alone), let them make the first shotand bounce it back.

Just as you do, use yourFlapendo with a quarter to half second charge toknock them back, thus trapping them chdats twospells to knock back, which they can nevermanage. Note: Beware, just as you finish castingFlapendo (depending on distance), you will beforced to use your Expelliarmus almost instantly. Grab the sword, but do not attempt to hit it whenyou get the first chance.

When the basilisk getsvery tall and green appears from its mouth, usethe sword on the black diamond on his chest whilehe is up. To do that, make sure you lock on thenattack. Continue to do this and he will bedefeated soon.

Note: Only attack him while hishead is far above the ground.You can use either Flipendo or Incendio(recommended). Let get fully powered, aim gamscube itsscales (not its head) and release the button.After five to ten hits, you should defeat it.Also, do not touch the snake or let it touch you.If you do, you will be poisoned.

Watch out - itwill get mad and "stomp" to make the stalactitesfall. After losing a third of its health, it willstart to shoot poison out of its mouth. To get to it, use your Lumos spell to light thefloor and follow the trail of spiders.

Unlike thebook, the spiders that are not normal size willtry to kill you. Attack them with Incendio. Whenfighting the Giant Mother Spider, do not try tohurt the spider itself. Instead, use yourIncendio spell to burn the web it has attached tothe various trees. When done, it will fall intothe pit andGet Past Prefect in Gryffindor TowerWhen you leave the common room at night for missions, you can sneak past the prefect outside the picture easily.

Once you walk outside the picture, walk to the left of the picture. Keep walking until you find a bookcase. You should be able to crawl under the bookcase and into a hidden passageway. If you take your first right, you will be in a little room escrets a locked chest.

Use Alohamora on it to get a wizard card. Go outside this room and follow the spiral staircase until you find a button. Push it and you will end up on the fourth floor outside a bookcase.� Silver Sickles in Diagon AlleyFirst get out of Mr Borgins Shop and go to Ginny and Mrs Weasly.after you get to flourish and blots where you purchase the standed book of spells G2 you then talk to Mrs weasly.You do not i repeat you do not do any of the tasks ginny asks you to do.from flourish and blots go to the left and keep going untill you reach gringots.

then turn right and you will see a large amount of barrels smash them all and you will either get 15 or pottef sickles.� Easy Way to Get Past Prefects1.Try not to run into them in the first place.2.If they spot you, hit them with Flipendo a lot so they can't cast gzmecube they spot you, and then they forget you were there, hid at a spott where they aren't are.4.(Field only) If they spot you, Run!!

cut cross or hid by hanging off ledges. they know your there but won't be able to get you if your hanging of the ledge. then get up (and us what I said in 2.) then.RUN FOR IT!� Decrease Slytherin's PointsOn the Polyjuice level when you turn into Goyle allow yourself to be caught by prefects and Slytherin will lose house points.

This is a handy hint if Slytherin is ahead of you on house points.� Stop Prefects from Catching YouIf you walk into a room full of prefects, use a balloon to make them have a look. Meanwhile, RUN!! Another way is if they come near you, use a stink pellet. If you have expelliarmus, use it when the prefects cheatts locomotomortis.� Secret Bean BalconyWhen in Gilderoy Lockhart's Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom:a) Go to the back of the class and jump onto Lockhart's desk. Then with a little skill, jump onto his chair and then onto the balcony above it.

You should get a few beans over there.b) You may already know this but the small red bottles give out beans too. Just like the watering cans in the herbology lesson.� Gnome FriendIf you find a gnome, do not throw it in the gnome hole. Instead you can pick it up and keep it until after you do something really important.

It is really secrdts you have to throw the gnome over walls to get him over.� The Transfiguration ClassroomThe Transfiguration classroom is only opened twice. The second time is after you beat the basilisk, but it is deserted.

I'll tell you about the first time. When Ron says it's time to go to Herbology, instead go to the floor where the Charms classroom is. The door across from the Charms classroom that is usually closed will be open.

Go into it. Professor McGonagall will be teaching a class. She will take away 5 House points. Ignore gqmecube. You will find many Bertie Botts Beans and (maybe) a silver or gold wizard card. But don't come back into the classroom once you left. She'll take away 10 House points, and take away an additional 5 every time you come back.� How to Defeat the Basilisk the Easy WayThe baskilisk has two lives, so don't get too excited when you beat him the first time.

You will have a sword instead of a wand this time. Here's how you do it:1st lifeIt would be best to back up as far to the surrounding wall as possible. Hold down the left mouse button and aim the red dot at gamecubd baskilisk's head. A yellow light will start growing around the sword. After a few seconds, release the button and immediately hold it down again. The light that grows around the sword will fire at the baskilisk and hurt it. Holding the button down again will create a new light around it.

Repeat this until the baskilisk draws it's head back into the mouth of Salazar Slytherin. You've beaten the first life.2nd lifeThe baskilisk will come out of the four sewers on the ground. It chambsr comes out of the one nearest to you, but it never comes out of the same sewer twice in a row.

Hold down the left mouse button again, but don't release it hafry. It will look to your right, then your right, and when it looks right at you, release the button. It will lose some life and retreat into the sewer again. But sometimes, when you hurt it, it will get angry and rock it's head from back to front, spitting out venom.

Try to avoid the venom. Anyway, repeat until the baskilisk is dead.NotesThe baskilisk's venom looks like purple ectoplasm. It will hurt you if you touch it.

In the first life, if you get sdcrets close to the baskilisk, it can reach out and bite you. That takes away almost a whole stamina bolt, so stay back. Nothing ever tries to hurt Ginny, so don't waste your time trying to protect her.� Error cheatts : Access DeniedThe access to this location( /harry-potter-and-the-chamber-of-secrets/cheats/gc/)is denied.Please contact the webmaster if you think you should be allowed to view the information on this location.Otherwise, please return to the page you were at before. 3DS DS iOS PC PS3 PS4 PSP Vita Wii U Xbox 360 Xbox One More�Systems� Android� Ouya� Arcade� Secrtes Dreamcast� PlayStation 2� Game Dhamber Advance� Saturn� GameCube� Super Nintendo� Genesis� Wii� NES� Xbox� Nintendo 64� And 96 More. 101st Wizard CardObtain all 100 wizard cheaats (you have to start a new game if you missed some in the Burrow, you also have to have linked up with a completed GBA game to unlock Gringotts) then speak to Dumbledore.

He will give you the 101st card. Once you have received this card he says different things as well. Uncover sicklesOnce you've collected your Standard Book of Spells (Grade 2) in Diagon Alley, you can cast Flipendo to break barrels and uncover Sickles that you can use to buy items such as Stink Pellets at Gambol and Japes. �� GameCube� Narry Entertainment Software / EA Games� Release: Nov 14, 2002 �� Also Known As: Harry Potter to Himitsu no Heya (JP)� Also on: GBA, GBC, MAC, PC, PS, PS2, XBOX� Franchise: Harry Potter�E - Titles rated E (Everyone) have content that may be suitable for ages 6 and older.� Help / Contact Us Change Colors� Blue (Default)� Blue on Black� Red� Red on Black� Green� Green on Black� Orange� Orange on Black� Purple� Purple on Black� Cloudy Blue� Grayscale� Sepia� Cotton Candy 3DS DS iOS PC PS3 PS4 PSP Vita Wii U Xbox 360 Xbox One More�Systems� Android� Ouya� Arcade� PlayStation� Dreamcast� PlayStation 2� Game Boy Advance� Saturn� GameCube� Super Nintendo� Genesis� Wii� NES� Harru Nintendo 64� And 96 More. FAQ/Walkthrough08/14/03kmintram1.078KFAQ/Walkthrough01/29/03SuperNerd75KFAQ/Walkthrough04/27/03thkr2.164KFAQ/Walkthrough (GC)01/17/03Alexander S1.230KFAQ/Walkthrough (PS2)01/03/03Arctic Rabite1.3103KFAQ/Walkthrough (PS2)07/23/03SuzuhikoFinal114KFAQ/Walkthrough01/01/03serpantsnake/ SSTwinrova0.9736K �� GameCube� Eurocom Entertainment Software / EA Games� Release: Nov 14, 2002 �� Also Known As: Harry Potter to Himitsu no Heya (JP)� Also on: GBA, GBC, MAC, PC, PS, PS2, XBOX� Franchise: Harry Potter�E - Titles rated E (Everyone) have content that may be suitable for ages 6 and older.� Help / Contact Us Change Colors� Blue (Default)� Blue on Black� Red� Red on Black� Green� Green on Black� Orange� Orange on Black� Purple� Purple on Black� Cloudy Blue� Grayscale� Sepia� Cotton Candy � Entertainment� Entertainment� Celeb Stuff� Movies� TV Shows� Cartoons� Music� Videos� Games� Games� Games News� Game Reviews� Game Cheats and Tutorials� Downloads� Trading Cards� play games� Videos� Advice� Advice� Health� Style� Fhe Dish-it� Careers & Jobs� Videos� Tne Sports� Pro Sports� Quiz The Coach� Action Sports� Trivia� Sports Gear� Videos� School� School Stuff� Homework Help� Travel� Art� Books� Holidays� Our Planet� Videos� Contests� Latest Contests� Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows Blu-ray & Lunchbox Giveaway!� The Sims 4 Game Giveaway!� Quizzes� quizzes� Advice� Games� Toys� Entertainment� School Stuff� Sports� take a poll� Chat� Chat is open!� Forums� Forums� KW News� Random� Entertainment� Games� Music� Dear Dish-It� Animals� Sports� Roleplay Central� Politics and Gamwcube Kidzworld Help� Arcade� Free games� Action games� Sports games� Puzzle games� Adventure games� KW Zone� KW Zone� Design a profile� Upload pics� Join groups� Write a blog� Take a poll In the Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets video game, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry may be the coolest magic school in the world, but it has a serious ghost problem!

So, when Harry Potter has to go on a midnight library raid to score a copy of Hogwarts: A History for Hermione, things can get tricky, even if you're an expert gamer. That's when you check out Cheat Street! Gary keeps it loaded with all the cheat codes, game yhe, and walkthroughs you need to win at your fave video game.Dear Gary,In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets I have already killed the bookcase but how do I get the Skurge spellbook from on top of the bookcases?

I don't know how to get up on the cases because I can't seem to get Harry to jump that high. Please help.Hermiecrab1Hey Hermiecrab1,You've busted up the bookcase already?

Congrats! That book-tossing jerk stumps lots of people who don't dig up a game cheat or walkthrough. If you need a cheat to get the spellbook at the far end of the room, that's cool. Here's a walkthrough on how to do it:Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Skurge WalkthroughThe big trick to getting the Skurge spell is that you have to start from right next to where you fought the bookcase. What you need to do is to check out the ground - you'll find a section that's lower than the rest of the floor.

In that section is a block that you can move around. Grab the block and drag it so that it's next to the first of the big, round, bookcases in the middle of the room.Once you've managed to get Harry Potter to drag the block next to the bookcase, climb on top of the block. Now you can climb up onto the bookcase!

Once you get up, you'll see that the bookcases line up so that you can hop from one to the next all the way down the room. Make sure you watch out for the flying ghosts and books though - they'll try to knock you off the bookcases and make you start over again.To get to the far end of the room, use Flipendo to blast the books, then dodge the ghosts and jump from bookcase to bookcase.

Once you reach the last bookcase, make a final jump and you'll be able to grab onto the ledge of the last bookcase. Harry can crawl up onto it and then you'll have the Skurge spellbook that you can use to wipe out sticky green ectoplasm!That's it for Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets video game cheats and walkthroughs this week, but stick around and see what cheats Gary can come up with for next week.

He'll get the 411 on all the coolest game codes! Don't forget, if you get stuck and need a game cheat code, and let him know!Related Stories:� Harry Potter Quidditch World Cup Gzmecube Video Game Review� Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Incendio Challenge Walkthrough� Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets GBC Video Game Review� Harry Potter chamer the Chamber of Secrets Slytherin Dungeon Walkthrough� Get More Video Game Cheats for Playstation 2, Xbox, Gamecube and More! play latest�� IGN Access� Daily Fix� Up At Noon� Game Scoop!� Beyond!� Unlocked� Nintendo Voice Chat� IGN Anime Club� more shows� Fireteam Chat� IGN Unfiltered� Prepare to Try� Esports Weekly� Keepin' It Reel� IGN Plays� IGN Originals� Hint - Easy DuelsIf you're struggling with duels, do this instead.

Wait for your opponent to summon and send a FLIPENDO at you. Cast EXPELLIARMUS gamexube it and before the FLIPENDO reaches your challenger, send a DIFFINDO at him. Since DIFFINDO travels so fast, they will get hit with DIFFINDO, then the other spell. Note: this will not work on those statue things. Extra Wizard CardNear the start of the game when you need to hit the gnomes off of the rafters there is a wizard card on the rafters.

If you go outside you will chwats a little platform on the outside of the barn. Make Harry climb up it and go through the window and there is the wizard card. Easy House PointsAfter going through the challenge to get the Expelliarmus, Avifors, or Incendio spell book, right after you are awarded your 40 points from the current teacher and class is dismissed, save the game and restart your PS2.

After you load your game, you will once again be awarded 40 points, adding on to what you just recently received. Do this as many times as you please. �� Content Team� Standards & Practices� Send Us News� Site Map� International:� IGN World Map� Adria� Adria (Slovenia)� Africa� Australia� Brazil� Benelux� Canada� Denmark� Finland� France� Germany� Greece� Hungary� India� Ireland� Israel� Italy� Japan� Latin America� Middle East� Norway� Pakistan� Poland� Portugal� Romania� Russia� Southeast Asia� Spain� Hhe Turkey� United Kingdom� United States � Daily Dispatch� Videos� Top Lists� Features� News� PS4� Xbox One� PC� Wii U� Xbox 360� PS3� 3DS� Vita� Wii� DS� PSP� PS2� Xbox� GameCube� PSOne� N64� GBA� Game Boy� Dreamcast� DVD � Top 7 Reasons You NEED a PS4 Pro� Top 5 Games You Can't Wait to Get Rid Of� 10 Things We LOVE in GTA (That Should Return)� We Rank the 10 Best Call of Duty Games Ever� Top 5 Best-selling Video Games of All Time� 9 Good Reasons You Don't Need a New Console � 5 Great Reasons You'll LOVE Mario on Mobile� Top 5 Most Memorable Legend of Zelda Moments� The Most Addictive Video Games of All Time� FIGHT!

Street Fighter vs. King of Fighters� Most Anticipated Superstars of WWE 2K17� The Most Kick-ass Horror Cons Any Fan Will Love! � Top 7 Reasons You NEED a PS4 Pro� Top 5 Games You Tue Wait to Get Rid Of� 10 Things We LOVE in GTA (That Should Return)� We Rank the 10 Best Call of Duty Games Ever� ;otter 5 Best-selling Video Games of All Time� 9 Good Reasons You Don't Need a New Console � 5 Great Reasons You'll LOVE Mario on Mobile� Top 5 Most Memorable Legend of Zelda Moments� The Most Addictive Video Games of All Time� FIGHT!

Street Fighter vs. King of Fighters� Most Anticipated Superstars of WWE 2K17� The Most Kick-ass Horror Cons Any Fan Will Love! Nimbus 2000 BroomstickOn the second day of school, go to the Quidditch practice. Complete the training with a "B" or better rank to get the Nimbus 2000 flying broomstick.

You can now fly anywhere around the school during the day. Note: You can only land on grass and cannot fly inside the school. Easy Bertie Blotts Every Flavor BeansWhen harry potter and the chamber of secrets gamecube cheats exit of the Gryffindor Tower notice the object in the corner.

Kf it with Flipendo and three Beans will appear. Go around the corner and walk at least three steps away. Return and cast Flipendo again to get three more Beans. Repeat this to get as many Beans as needed.Use the Nimbus 2000 Broomstick and fly above Hogwarts.

Fly through the rings to get free Beans. A blue ring gives 10 Beans, a yellow ring gives 1 Bean, a red ring gives 3 Beans and a green ring gives 2 Beans.At the beginning at Narry house is a tool chest in their barn. Every time it moves on its own means that you can shoot it with Flapendo to get more beans.

Easy Wizard CardsGo to the Burrow and Diagon Alley. Look for chests there for Wizard Cards.Go Neville's games, especially Broom Racing, to get Wizard Cards. Note: You will have to pay Beans to participate in Broom Racing and Gnome Tossing, Gnome Dunking is free.In Ron's barn at the very beginning is a card on top of the rafters. To get it, you need to climb the harry potter and the chamber of secrets gamecube cheats coop outside.

Easy pointsIn the Chamber Of Secrets, destroy paintings on the wall. You will open the painting and get 100 points for Gryffindor.After returning from the Whomping Willow, head deep to your right when Professor Snape finishes scolding you.

There, in a corner, you will find your first Notice Board Item. You can return it to the Notice Board before or after you go to the Restroom Shop the Weasley's set up, earning you the very first 10 points in the game, and possibly a Wizards Pf.

Easy SicklesOnce you have collected your Standard Book of Spells (Grade 2) in Diagon Alley, you can cast Flipendo to break barrels and uncover Sickles that you can use to buy items such as Stink Pellets at Gambol and Japes. Bertie Botts Bean Bag (100 Bean capacity)Use the Skurge spell on a chest covered in ectoplasm behind a tapestry (you need the scissors spell) on the third floor, by the Defense against the Black Arts classroom.

Bertie Botts Bean Bag (200 Bean capacity)Gather every item for the students around Hogwarts (not the Notice Board). You have to actually find the people. The final person will give you a key to the confiscated items room. In there are six Wizards cards and the biggest Bertie Bots Bean Bag. Sneaking around at nightWhen sneaking around at gameecube, you need to get by many of the prefects.

When you need to get by them, simply crawl under the bookcase to the left of the portrait that leads to the Griffondore harry potter and the chamber of secrets gamecube cheats room. It leads through a secret passage that takes you to the fourth floor.

When sneaking around and you do not want to walk slowly, you can use various objects and spells to distract the prefects.

Stink Pellets are not too reliable, but the non-explodable luminous balloons work well. As for spells, try Flapendo. Expelliarmus ChallengeUse your spell that cuts down tapestries and ropes on the spiked ball. Walk up close to the edge and hold your trigger button (default R1), charge up for a half second and cast. Note: If you throw the imps into the fiery pits, they will die and you do not have to worry about them. Likewise, if you throw them all away you cannot put them into the cages to get out; but when all are indeed gone, they respawn from that hatch in the wall at the first ramp.

Professor Flitwick's Incedio ChallengeOnce you get the Incedio Spell, return to the main room and make sure the two pillars are down. Go into one of them and switch the fl3DS DS iOS PC PS3 PS4 PSP Vita Wii U Xbox 360 Xbox One More�Systems� Android� Ouya� Arcade� PlayStation� Dreamcast� PlayStation 2� Pottsr Boy Advance� Saturn� GameCube� Super Nintendo� Genesis� Wii� NES� Xbox� Nintendo 64� And 96 More. FAQ/Walkthrough by Alexander SMore for Harry Potter and the C.

(GC):� FAQs and Walkthroughs (10)� FAQ/Walkthrough by thkr� FAQ/Walkthrough by SuperNerd� FAQ/Walkthrough (PS2) by Arctic Rabite� FAQ/Walkthrough by kmintram� See all FAQs� Cheats and Secrets (2)� Answers (15)� How do I get past harry potter and the chamber of secrets?� Where is the potriat that will get me to the restieted section of the libaray?� How do I beat the werewolve things?� Ask your own question!� Tbe (25)� Message Board M M0 iMMMMMM M MM M0 WMM8 M M;;:7MM, 0; ,M SM SMMZ 2MMW2MZ, rMM; ,X,MMMMMMMM0 B2 SM MS MM MM Mi ,M:MMMM8 MM WM M M MM MM MMM MZ MMMM7M M MM MM M7 ,M XXi :M M; M, M M7MMSM ZMM MM M BM M MM MMZ SM MW SM MM M M0 MM MMM Mi MMM .M M ZZ MM .M WMMM MM Mr ZMMB rMSMMHarry Potter and the Chamber of SecretsFAQ/Walkthrough-Specifically for the GameCube Version-Will work with other Console VersionsVersion 1.2By Alexander Slutsker(AKA Sasha Slutsker)Last updated:1/17/03Send Questions and Comments to:Sasha@thegnn.comTable of Contents:I.

IntroductionII. Version HistoryIII. ControlsIV. SpellsV. Ron's HouseVI. Knockturn and Diagon Potyer. On the Hogwarts GroundsVIII. Day 1/ NightIX. Day 2/ Night 2X. Day 3/ Night 3XI. Day 4/ Night 4XII. Day 5/ Sevrets 5XIII. Day 6XIV. CreditsXV. Legal Info-//// Introduction -Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is definitely a good game. Itmight be a little easy (you could beat it in 12 hours or so) but it isvery fun and it has tons of Replay Value. This is an FAQ to help youwhen you get stuck in the game.-//// II.

Version History -Version sectets (?? KB) 1/17/02- Controls added- Pray for it to be Gamecube nowVersion 1.1 (29 KB) 1/4/02- Made it obvious which console this is for- Harrh a Spell SectionVersion 1.0 (26 KB) 1/3/02- Started FAQ- The Walkthrough is complete-//// III.

Controls -A - Action ButtonB - Cast SpellX - Cast SpellY - Cast SpellL - Target SpellR - Set Camera behind HarrySt - PauseZ - InventoryControl Stick - Move Harry Potter around[Note: Jumping is automatic when you are on a ledge, like it is inZelda.]-//// IV. Spells -1. FlippendoThis is the spell that is available to you at the beginning of thegame. Press the assigned button (X by default) and pottfr will send a beamout of your wand that will "knockback" the enemy.

It is your main spelland you use it a lot to fight with.2. LumosYou get this at Knockturn Alley. (Check the Walkthrough.) This is usedto light the wand and to find hidden passages.

It I used a few times inthe game, but not that often. If you are in a dark place you need toget out of, use this spell.3. DiffindoThis game gamevube decided to associate the Severing Charm (that Ron useson his robes in Book 4) with the Diffindo incantation (that Harry useson Cedric when he is carrying his books so that he can talk to him.)Fine, it's not stated that they are the same in the books, but oh well.You get Diffindo on Night 1 in the Herbology III Greenhouse.

You use itto cut curtains around the game.4. ExpelliarmusThis spell was changed completely. No longer does it disarm. Now, itreflects attacks! It is very useful in fights with the Sefrets andthe Gargoyle. You get it on Day 2 during Defense against the Dark Arts.You use it often during the game.5. SkurgeNow this spell was completely made up.

A spell that destroys greengoop? Yes, that's what this spell does. You get it during Night 2 afterdestroying a Book Case during the Hogwarts: A History challenge.6. AviforsThis spell transforms eggs into birds. You learn it on Day 3 duringTransfiguration. It is used for solving "egg" puzzles occasionally.That's about it. (There's a room in the library you can use the spellon.)7. IncendioThis spell sends fire shooting out of the wand. It is useful fordestroying Aragog and opening a door in the library.

It can also beused for tearing down webs. It sounds cool, and it could have been, butit isn't used nearly enough. Thd get it on Day 4 during Charms.8. AlohomoraThis spell will NOT unlock the Hogwarts doors. Instead, it will merelyunlock certain (a few) chests. Very useless, but it could have beencool. Really, just use it if you want all the Wizarding Cards.

It costsa hefty 100 Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans, so watch out.-//// Ron's House -

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